Stephen Ross bought my yoga studio

Me doing a front split in a studio outside the city.

Stephen Ross, the 85-year-old Equinox owner with a $10.5 billion (veneer coating a hollow) self-worth, excuse me, net worth, is donating all of his money to charity. Just kidding. So, what does this Detroit-born dude do with all his dough? He funds Republican campaigns, most recently, Donald Trump in 2019.

Not only Equinox, by the way, he also owns Soul Cycle. It was no surprise last month when our small neighborhood yoga studio was gobbled up by the big bad: Equinox. The merger manifested yesterday. It came as a shock. Some people never even knew. All my Pure Yoga peeps were herded like cattle into the commercial new Equinox rooms.

Oh right, why I started this post: I paid $30 a month for unlimited hot yoga at my previous place due to my part-time teaching.

But my jaw nearly fell flat to the floor when I read Equinox’s monthly fee: $300. No student discounts. No part-time teacher rate. Nothing. Nada.

Curating a surefire formula for a gym full of one-percenters, Stephen Ross has made the Upper West Side just that more elite.

My parting words: Adios to you, too.

“That’s a goddamn good capitalist,” as Scott Galloway from Kara Swisher’s podcast Pivot per New York magazine would say.

Update: Moving to a new small neighborhood spot beside The Strand. Take that, Mr. Ross.

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